Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunshine on the Corner

I always knew I'd have a place called Sunshine's Corner.....for a long time I thought it might turn out to be a little beauty shop in the basement on Colonial see, when my best friend in the whole world (my grandma) died....I prayed so hard for a grandma.....just didn't feel I could make it in the world without one who thought you were the best, loved you even when you weren't...and needed you to love her, God gave me a little ministry that lasted for many years in tending to a whole bunch of little Grandmas of my very own!!! Isn't He so good to give us the desires of our heart?..I would go door to door with my little scissors and hair rollers, hauling a hair dryer...and wash and cut and roll up pretty little grandma well as peeling apples, or doing other little handwork that a grandma's arthritis could use a little assistance with.....what a joy to be so welcomed and loved week after week as sometimes I might be the only visitor one of those ladies had that week. I especially loved that I could serve in the name of Jesus and be so blessed by years of relationship with many older women. They were my first mentors, and taught me well. After 30 years, I still have some Grandmas that haven't gone on to Glory where they definitely will not need ME....and I still get to hug on them and receive their precious care and concern about my life week after week...women sharing life....that's a little sunshine on the corner!!!....


Jennifer Renee said...

Sandy, that is so cool. I had no idea you had done that. What an awesome ministry for you and those women. I also had no idea you had been with Rick since you were 16! Wow! You and Holly are so lucky to have found a godly husband at such a young age.

By the way, you probably don't remember me. This is Jen Kilpatrick, I used to go to CHBC with my grandma growing up. She still goes (Charlotte Hawkins). And Holly and Jay worked with the youth when I was in the youth group.

Anyway, I found your blog through hers. Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm relatively new myself. :)

Holly said...

I have such great memories of watching you serve those sweet, little old ladies. You are the best example!