Sunday, November 9, 2008

That Corner of My Heart

Not a dry eye after our awesome pastor wrapped up his sermon series on the book of John this morning......the seven signs Jesus performed to show His power was of God, the seven I Am's He spoke to say...I AM the God of I AM whom you loved and worshipped in Abraham's day....the seven eye witnesses proclaiming Him as Jesus, the Son of God...seen by them, loved by them.....and then witnesses from our own church family who humbly held cardboard testimonies speaking of the power and difference knowing Jesus personally has brought about in their lives. Oh, that little corner of my heart was about to burst with love for Him....that little corner that always holds its breath in anticipation of what exactly the Holy Spirit is about to do in someone's life as I look from that choir loft into a sea of faces week after week...There is always a holy hush just before He moves, and the power is palpable, the joy is indescribable as you evidence His work among a hungry people....they step out maybe fearfully, but faithfully.... and waiting hands clasp searching hearts to examine to be sure that they understand, they BELIEVE... they are born again....become a new creation... You can see on their faces that there is new longer just existing, just making it through the, there is purpose and Someone to live for.....Someone to focus energy and talent and time toward, Someone who loves them more than could have ever been imagined, Someone who will make a whole world of difference in their lives....eternally........that little corner of my heart rejoiced today....I saw Sonshine fill the place.....thank you, sweet Jesus.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunshine on the Corner

I always knew I'd have a place called Sunshine's Corner.....for a long time I thought it might turn out to be a little beauty shop in the basement on Colonial see, when my best friend in the whole world (my grandma) died....I prayed so hard for a grandma.....just didn't feel I could make it in the world without one who thought you were the best, loved you even when you weren't...and needed you to love her, God gave me a little ministry that lasted for many years in tending to a whole bunch of little Grandmas of my very own!!! Isn't He so good to give us the desires of our heart?..I would go door to door with my little scissors and hair rollers, hauling a hair dryer...and wash and cut and roll up pretty little grandma well as peeling apples, or doing other little handwork that a grandma's arthritis could use a little assistance with.....what a joy to be so welcomed and loved week after week as sometimes I might be the only visitor one of those ladies had that week. I especially loved that I could serve in the name of Jesus and be so blessed by years of relationship with many older women. They were my first mentors, and taught me well. After 30 years, I still have some Grandmas that haven't gone on to Glory where they definitely will not need ME....and I still get to hug on them and receive their precious care and concern about my life week after week...women sharing life....that's a little sunshine on the corner!!!....